A Place You Can Call Home: Homecoming 2014

Please plan to join us for Homecoming this year on Sunday, August 3, 2014.  We will have a covered dish dinner following the service at 11:00 am, and then games for the kids, and a concert starting at 2:00 PM.

Please call 828-367-PGUC (7482) if you have any questions!

A place you can call home

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Fifth Sunday, June 29, 2014

Please join us for worship and Fifth Sunday Dinner on June 29, 2014.  We will be honored to have Avery Parker leading worship, and the service will be followed by a covered dish meal in the fellowship hall. Please plan to join us for worship and a time of great table fellowship!

Fifth Sunday Dinner

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Church Wide Yard Sale

There will be a community yard sale on Saturday, June 28, 2014 from 8:00 am to 2:00 pm.  If you would like to participate you may donate items for sale to the church on Friday, June 27, after 4:00 pm, or you may  secure your own table for a donation of $10.

If you are interested in donating or helping, contact the church at 828-367-PGUC(7482) and leave a message.

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Mary Ellen’s Quilt Feeds Many Hungry People

Mary Ellen created a beautiful quilt to enter in the Asheville Cotton Company quilt contest this year called, “Women of the Bible.” Each of the beautifully unique and intricately crafted squares represented a different woman of the Bible.

Women of the Bible by Mary Ellen

Her quilt won second place, and with the votes that were cast for just her quilt, enough money was raised to provide more than 1800 meals through Manna Food Bank.  All together, the contest raised enough money to provide more than 11,000 meals!

Mary Ellen thanks everyone who voted for the quilt, and we would like to thank her for her wonderful work and commitment to her craft and her community.

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Commissioning and Installation Sunday, June 22, 2014

The Church Council will be installed as part of the worship service on Sunday, June 22, 2014.

There will also be a Congregational Meeting for members after the worship service on June 22, 2014 to approve the 2014-15 Nominations and Pastor Parish Committees.

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Easter Week Services


Palm Sunday.  April 13, 2014  Sunday School at 10. Worship at 11am

Monday Healing Night Prayer Service, April 14, 2014.  7PM.

Maundy Thursday, April 17, 2014. 7PM. A different experience of Holy Communion with a quiet time of reflection and remembering Jesus’ last night with his disciples. (Fellowship Hall)

Easter Sunday, April 20, 2014

  • Breakfast cooked and served by the men of the church at 9:30AM with an Easter Drama following the meal.
  •  Our worship service will begin at 11:00 AM in the sanctuary.
  • Easter Egg Hunt for the children following the worship service.
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Announcements for February 16, 2013

February 16 – 5:00 PM. Sunday. Choir practice. Everyone is invited to come and join in this time of lifting hearts and voices in worship and  praise.

February 17 — 7:00 PM. Monday night Bible study and healing prayer service led by Avery Parker.

February 19 – 11:00 AM. Wednesday. Soup & Scripture / Bible study at 11:00, soup lunch at 12:00.

February 23 –  12:00 PM. Sunday. A brief Congregational  Meeting will  follow the service on Sunday, February 23rd, 2014 to affirm by vote the appointment of Randy Chandler as the Pleasant Grove Cemetery Supervisor. This comes following the recent resignation of Hugh Hamilton from that position.

There will also be a short Christian Education meeting following the vote.

February 26 – Wednesday. 4:00 PM. Next regularly scheduled Church Council Meeting.


Scripture meditations for the week: Old Testament: Deuteronomy 30:15-20. Psalter: Psalm 119:1-8. Gospel Lesson: Matthew 5:21-37.  Epistle: 1 Corinthians 3:1-9.

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Christmas Events & Schedule

Pleasant Grove 2013

LIVE NATIVITY : Sunday, December 22, 2013. 5-6PM.  Join us for a time to remember the events concerning the birth of our Savior, Jesus.  Dress warmly to stroll through the manger scene, drink hot beverages, and join in with the carolers.

CHRISTMAS EVE CANDLELIGHT COMMUNION: Tuesday night, December 24, 2013. 8-8:45PM.  A simple celebration to remember the holy night Jesus was born. This beautiful hushed service of love and awe may become part of your family Christmas tradition.

SUNDAY MORNING BIBLE STUDY:  Come join in the Christmas carols at 9:45AM and then embark on our Advent study through the book of Matthew. Bring your Bible, and we’ll sip coffee, read, and take a deeper look at what makes this Gospel unique.

Christmas Joy given from Mary Ellen to the children!


Christmas Joy


Friday Night: Live Nativity Rehearsal: 5PM. Afterwards, fruit basket preparation for Sunday.





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Patti and Saylon Bring Joy to Pediatric Oncology Christmas Party

Santa and one of her merry little elves recently brought great joy to many at the Pediatric Oncology Christmas Party. They were delighted to see Saylon and Patti doing what they do so well…giving love and performing together.


We are so blessed to have such a wonderful team that is willing to share its time and love with those who need it, especially at this time of year.


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Member Throws a Toy Party for Neighborhood Kids

Is this Mrs. Claus?

One day last week, a particular neighborhood in Asheville was the site of a  Christmas party that many of the children had been waiting for all year.

Last January, Mary Ellen began working on the gifts she gave out last week: reclaimed and refurbished dolls, toy cars, bicycles, and many other things. Each toy had the gift of a new life: restyled hair, new clothing, cleaning, polishing….each was given the love and care of a master crafter to make it possibly even better than it was in its first life.

What a beautiful smile!At the early Christmas party, Mary Ellen gave out 118 dolls, 18 Matchbox cases with cars, and many other items like blankets, gloves, and bicycles.  She and her friends made sure it had plenty of snacks and food, and stocked up on wrapping paper and ribbons, in order to treat and love lots of lucky children.

More Christmas love and delight!Mary Ellen does these wonderful things in order to serve her Lord, who she believes calls her to use her gifts to show God’s love to as many people as she can.  Her humble spirit and delight in giving to others honors God and blesses those who know and love her.

Thank you for all you do for all of us, Mary Ellen!





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