Missionary from Guatemala Carla Gonzalez is the Executive Director of The Living Heritage Foundation. This mission ministry is largely supported by First United Methodist Church of Salisbury, but she needs more ministry partners (prayer, donations, workers) for the work they are doing. The Living Heritage Foundation helps poor families in the rural and the urban areas of western Guatemala by improving their education, hygiene, living conditions and surroundings. They are especially concerned with helping widows and single mothers of large families. Welcome, Carla and Rev. Clarissa Fuentes!
Sligo Creek Stompers will be in concert today, here at Pleasant Grove Union Church, at 5pm. We welcome a member of their band, Sarah Foard, violinist, as she joins us in worship today. Light refreshments will be served in the fellowship hall after the concert this evening.
Crafters Meeting The next crafting meeting is on the third Friday, September 21, 2012 at 9am. Everyone is welcome to come and bring friends!